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445 Park Avenue, Suite 900 | New York, New York 10022
Free Consultation 212-758-8000
Identity Theft

New York Criminal Defense Firm Represents People Accused of Identity Theft

Skilled lawyers defend clients in the New York City area against charges of fraud or hacking

As we become more reliant on technology in our banking, our commerce, our medical treatment and our interpersonal communication, data theft and fraud also increase. Law enforcement is often a few steps behind and frequently charges the wrong people with identity theft. If you face such charges, we are ready to help. At Del Valle & Associates, we are committed to representing clients in the New York City area and throughout New York who have been accused of identity theft, hacking and computer fraud. Often, charges may be overblown or inflated simply due to misunderstanding. Our experienced computer crimes defense attorneys will work hard to get your charges reduced or thrown out.

Diligent defense attorneys help you understand the criminal charges against you

Identity theft is often considered a white collar crime. It typically involves the use of Social Security numbers, passwords or other personally identifiable information. This information is obtained through hacking, skimming, phishing and a variety of other means. Identities can even be purchased easily online. Our attorneys defend clients against identity theft charges.

Charges can be filed for identity theft crimes that involve:

  • Account takeover fraud —These cases involve the use of existing accounts such as bank or credit card accounts.
  • True name fraud — In these situations, a victim’s name and information are used to open up new accounts.
  • Hacking — There are a wide variety of hacking, data breach and privilege escalation crimes that are brought against people who are believed to have accessed computer systems or information without permission.
  • Unlawful possession of personally identifiable information — This type of charge is added when someone obtains a victim’s personal information and attempts to use it for their own benefit.

Other common charges in New York identity theft cases include larceny, theft, forgery and possession of stolen property. Whether you are accused of hacking, credit card skimming or a data breach, we are ready to uphold your rights. With a full understanding of both state and federal law, our attorneys can defend against even the most serious charges.

Proven litigators work to get your charges reduced or dismissed

Many people who are charged with complex computer crimes often had no intent to commit a crime. Innocent people are sometimes set up by advanced hackers and framed for crimes they did not commit. There are a variety of crimes that clients may be charged with in identity theft cases. If you are accused of impersonating another person or assuming a false identity, we can help.

Our firm uses all available tools to help clients avoid jail time and preserve their freedom. We work with forensic data and technology experts to disprove the government’s case against you. We negotiate with prosecutors to get your charges reduced. Together, we will plan and execute a solid defense against all charges. Our attorneys have the knowledge and skill to represent clients in even the most complicated computer crime cases.

Contact our New York defense firm for identity theft charges

At Del Valle & Associates, we provide experienced and skilled representation to clients throughout New York accused of identity theft. Call us at 212-758-8000 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation at our New York City office.

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